Mango Developers & Marketers

Android App Development

Mobile Android App Development Company India

Mobile Android App Development Company India : There are more than 1.2 Million Android Apps available in Google Play and close to 30 Thousand Apps added every month.

With Android emerging as market leaders in mobile platform, it becomes necessary to have your App in Android more than iOS. The hardware which runs Android are also available in wide ranges which makes them the most viable platform to use for your startup ideas or for your business.

Android is a preferred platform for major business houses because of the availability of cheap devices and an easy way to push apps into devices. Many restaurants, retails outlets, factories, warehouses, hospitals etc.. have started using android apps for their internal applications.

At Mango, we have an excellent Android development team combined with a creative UI team which understands the way mobile apps are designed and developed these days. With our base of operations in  Kerala, India, we also have a technical head who is in charge of technology who analyses the latest trends in the app world. Since we are an application development company, we have web service experts who assist our mobile developers in setting up web services to apps which require data to be fetched and stored remotely. This technology is helpful for integrating with existing web applications and handling with huge data. Any web application can be integrated into mobile apps using web service.

Publishing to Google Play
The platform to publicise, sell and distribute Android applications to users around the world is Google Play. This is done in simple steps – Register, configure, upload and publish. The Google play Android developer Console is the interface to configure and publish once the developer registration process is complete. The publishing process involves the following tasks.

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